The news talk of the week has been the formation of a coalition government here in the UK. For our overseas readers, this is a new situation for us. Except for a spell during WW2, the British system has steadily provided a change of government every few years, switching from a right of centre party [the Conservatives] to a left of centre party [the Labour Party]. Following elections 9 days ago we have a new government made up from the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats [who?] because the Conservatives failed to get enough seats in parliament to have a working majority.
Meanwhile here in Brighton we elected the first and only Green Member of Parliament.
Brighton is a whacky bohemian and extraordinary place ain't it?
What has this got to do with art at
crabfish.com, or this Fine Art Blog.
Nothing really, I just thought I would let you know one reason why I haven't been telling you more about our Open House show here at 182 Springfield Road. It's because everybody has been focusing on something else, including me.
So, let me report on the last two weekends of Artists Open Houses here in Brighton.
Firstly, we are now half way through. There are only two more weekends to go. Tomorrow 15th May, Sunday 16th May, and then Saturday and Sunday 22nd and 23rd. That's it. No one will be open on the last weekend in May. Well we won't anyway.
Secondly, the visitor numbers perked up last weekend, despite the election result crisis. We sold some original paintings, and lots of prints and cards. We gathered almost twice as many entries to our prize draw as the bad-weather first weekend. As chance would have it, the two winners are both known to us here. One is a young neighbour who already lives in a house with a major piece of Fran Slade art bought by her wise and wonderful parents a couple of years ago, and the other is an artist who has exhibited in her own Open House as part of the Fiveways Artists Group. Both were drawn randomly from the cards filled in by visitors. So you see that anyone can win, just turn up, fill in an entry card, and cross your fingers.
We hope to see YOU here during the next [last] two weekends.
Todays picture is 'Brighton Bandstand', which was chosen by Patricia Cunliffe our first winner this year.