Just look at these super roses cascading down in front of my studio today.
Today is Fathers Day here in the UK. We are expecting all our children and grandchildren over here for a Sunday lunch in one hours time. The joint is in the oven, the roast spuds also. Other veggies are prepared for steaming, and Fran is cutting chard from her veggie beds as I write this. The sun is shining, birds are singing, all is well. Hooray!
At last we have written up all the contacts that we made during the Open House in May.
539 visitors entered for our free prize draw, of which 458 left email addresses.
So yesterday I sent a 'welcome to the list' message to those 450 who did not win a free framed print.
48 emails bounced which probably means that our interpretation of the written address is faulty. We have got to check that. So if you filled in a card, didn't win, and didn't get an email yesterday, please let me know.