Good day. No, I am not dead, on holiday, or having a breakdown. The gap since my previous posting has mostly been because ...... I have had a big birthday. The 'three score years and ten' birthday in fact. That means that everything from now on is a nice bonus :-)
We had a lot of things to do before last weekend, when we had planned a garden party.
The whole point of the party, and a new gazebo, was that we could host a barbecue and paella event. When we opened the gazebo package we discovered that gazebos are not waterproof. The suppliers even say that the gazebo can catch fire if exposed to naked flames.
Readers in the UK will know that last weekend in southern England it rained, lots of rain, heavy rain. We had advance warning for the previous week. So we decided to waterproof our garden with tarpaulins. They had to be sourced, bought and erected. What the weather forcasters didn't tell us was that it was going to be windy as well as wet. Putting tarpaulins over sheds, gazebos, and pergolas covered in thorny roses is tricky at the best of times. In windy conditions it is much more fun.
The party went well, nobody got soaked, the extra big new paella pan was used twice to feed about 100 people. I drank a little too much.
The wonderful surprise was that my family had persuaded John Crampton to come and play a live session in the evening. He is good. Click here to see.
Todays image is provided by my mate Adrian, who took this shot showing John playing with my neice 'G' dancing to his music.
Afterwards there was the clear-up operation.
So no new painting for a while. Hey ho.
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