We actually got back a whole week ago but found such a huge mountain of orders and things to do that this is the first chance to get blogging again.
I had taken my small pochade with me fully intending to do a few small plein air paintings. But the best laid plans of mice and men went astray again. Instead I felt the urge to paint over one of my abstract canvases that hangs in the villa dining area. It was a print, an early experiment, that didnt work very well because it looked rather dull. It was one of the collection that we had donated to the villa when the family were furnishing it.

So I got out the paints and just started painting over.
Here is the painting still showing quite a bit of the abstract. I found the paella pan on top of a kitchen cuboard. It wasnt here last year, maybe it was left by a visitor.

Next picture shows the picture in progress. This is a lovely cool spot under the grape vines.

The finished picture shows the view across the valley, with a table and paella pan plus other bits and pieces. Click here to see more about the house [which is available for rent].
Thats Lovely I like that.