Phew! At last it seems that I have a moment to put up a blog message.
We have been very busy getting our Open House exhibition ready and hung. Then we opened on Sat 21st, and Sun 22nd. Then again Sat 28th and Sun 29th. And of course we now get ready for next weekend when it all happens again.
Despite the fact that the weather has been 'interesting', very wet and windy in fact, we have played host to many intrepid visitors, sold lots of prints and cards, taken commissions for originals, prepared and drank gallons of mulled wine, eaten mince pies, and run our daily prize draw during open days.
Meanwhile the retail gallery and online gallery world is waking up for Xmas and orders for prints are coming in thick and fast. Help!!
And it goes on... tomorrow I am demonstrating my painting techniques at Canary Wharf London in the afternoon, plus in the evening we will be attending a private view where we are showing in a London east end gallery. That is the Art Group show 'Lets Play'.
Todays image is the solid gold 'Trevor the Cat' pendant that Graham Hale is showing at our Open House. Anybody who has looked at our website www.crabfish.com will recognise our mascot Trevor.