One of the perks of being a member of The Fine Art Trade Guild is that we get to meet others in the art business. Some of whom are really interesting, like our host of last evening.
The Guild South-east UK branch held their annual AGM at the studio of artist Graham Clarke in Kent. Graham gave us a talk about his life and work, we ate drank and voted, and rounded off the evening with a music fest wearing funny wigs and hats.
My part in the musical ensemble was to squeak a motor horn at crucial moments as we painfully rendered 'Under the Bridges of Paris', followed by the 1812 finale with our version of cannons and church bells celebrating Napoleon's defeat outside Moscow.
The studio is bursting with Clarke etchings and ancient machinery for etching production. Plus weird and ancient musical instruments, books, and strange sculptural things.
GC won Guild Artist of the Year Award some years ago and proudly displays the certificate, in a prominant postion in a private area of his studio, next to the letter from the previous Mayor of London Ken Livingstone.
just found your blog, very interesting, also checked out your web site and was most pleased to find another artist with multiple personalities, you must be a real artist then, ie one who makes his living at it!...nice to meet you!