Just a couple of hundred yards down the road from chez Ruffell is our local watering hole.
It is called The Open House.
We are very lucky because this is one of the best pubs in Brighton.
Here are a few reasons;
1. It is just down the road.
2. It serves good food.
3. Mark the manager is very nice.
4. There is a comfy lounge with big squishy sofas.
5. There is an art exhibition of local artists, and we get occasional sales from there.
6. There is a big garden with umbrellas and sunshades.
7. It has a big function room upstairs where art groups like ours can hold meetings.
8. The pub management sponsor our Fiveways Artists Group during the Brighton Festival.
Need I go on?
So here is a picture, date 1st June 2009, showing the pub as seen from the railway footbridge.
It has that element of Neivety which I like about your work